Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest of the engineering disciplines and mechanical engineers find themselves engaged in a wide variety of technology and business problems today. Computer aided design and analysis, fluid and thermal sciences, bioengineering, manufacturing processes and control, and instrumentation are a several of the many areas that require mechanical engineering skills. Our graduates find themselves working in numerous industries, ranging from the automotive world of Michelin, Hendrick Motorsports, Ford, Firestone, and Schrader Automotive to the likes of Duke Power, Frito-Lay, Hewlett Packard, AMP, and Reliance Electric, to name just a few. Many students also continue their education in graduate school here and elsewhere.
Students in our program develop a sound understanding of the engineering sciences, chemistry, physics and mathematics and build on this to develop expertise in design, manufacturing, instrumentation, heat transfer, mechanics and materials. In addition, computer modeling has become an integral part of the mechanical engineer’s education, and it is increasingly important for mechanical engineers to develop an understanding of the business world. The undergraduate program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science leads to a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME), and it is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Using the flexibility provided by the technical electives and with career counseling by the faculty, a student can develop an educational program tailored to meet his or her career goals.
The William States Lee College of Engineering also encourages experiential learning for undergraduates, including Co-op and Internship programs. These programs are managed through the University Career Center and provide a “real world” engineering experience for students in a wide variety of local and regional companies. Other opportunities include study abroad at one of several institutions in Europe or Asia with minimal or no added cost. Undergraduate research opportunities are also encouraged.
The William States Lee College of Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science strive to provide a first rate educational experience for undergraduate students. A combination of training in the fundamentals, laboratory experience and reduction to practice prepare students for a competitive and successful professional career as an engineer.